This data indicated that the park had a mean \(CO_2\) level of 459.1ppm during high tides compared to the 449.7ppm during low tides. The interquartile range of the \(CO_2\) levels are 469.5 - 480.5 ppm for high tide and 456.8 - 464.3 ppm for low tide. However, based of the boxplots alone, we are unable to elaborate on the significance of the two means on a deeper level. In order to investigate the underlying correlations between variables that can explain for the difference in means, the data needs to be further studied using ANCOVA.
Under the ANCOVA framework, multicollinearity tests were conducted and revealed that the interaction term between Humidity
and Tide
had VIF scores of >3. Furthermore, main effects Temperature
and Pressure
also had VIF scores of >3. This implied that Humidity
and Temperature
are linearly correlated with the other explanatory variables present in the model and would then increase the uncertainty of coefficients of the model. Multiple models were compared where no multicollinearity issues were seen using AIC and the model with the lowest AIC was selected. Our final model only had explanatory variables of Humidity
and Tide
with the lowest AIC. The model was confirmed to be valid as it exhibited homoscedasticity and normaality of its residual from the plot below.
Both plots check for the model's assumptions and validity. (Left) The Residuals vs Fitted plot checks for homoscedasticity where the errors are independent. The variance of residuals does not seem to change as fitted values increase, thus confirming homoscedasticity. (Right) The Q-Q plot checks for the normality of the residuals, and in conjunction with Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), the residuals are normally distributed.
A scatter plot of the various data points were plotted, together with the predicted model fitted values, separated by tide levels in the figure below.
After correcting for multicollinearity, the model with the lowest AIC score was accepted with the equation \(CO_2\) = 0.5304
+ 432.842 - 11.046I(Tide
= low), \(R^2\) = 0.329. The ANCOVA model predicts that \(CO_2\) levels at high tides are highter than low tides assuming the same relative Humidity
, possibily indicating that the water body is a carbon source. It is important to note that the gradients for \(CO_2\) levels at both tides could be different, however it exhibited multicollinearity issues and thus had to be removed from the equation.
Our final model indicated that the relative humidity of the environment is positively correlated with the atmospheric \(CO_2\) levels regardless of tide levels and the system can be described with the linear equation:
\[CO_2 = 0.534*Humidity - 11.046*I(Low Tide)\]This indicated that for every 1% increase in Humidity
, it would result in an average increase of 0.534ppm in \(CO_2\) level and that the \(CO_2\) level would be 11.046ppm higher during high tide than low tide on average, assuming the same relative humidity.
This positive correlation between Humidity
and \(CO_2\) level may be because humidity is indicative of the amount of water that has evaporated from the nearby water sources. A higher humidity will result in less water to contain dissolved \(CO_2\), which in turn increases the amount of dissolved \(CO_2\) being released into the air.
The correlation between tide types and \(CO_2\) level suggests that the water body at Labrador Nature Reserve Coastal Trail is a carbon source. This is in line with data provided by observatories that analyse temperature of water bodies around the globe. Warm water acts as a carbon source and cold-water acts as a carbon sink. Singapore, situated along the equator, is naturally surrounded by warm water. During high tide, warm water flows throughout the Malayan Peninsula and there will be a surge in the amount of carbon sources at Labrador Nature Reserve Coastal Trail, causing a rise in \(CO_2\) levels.
Our study suggested that tide types are significant in influencing \(CO_2\) levels at Labrador Nature Reserve. This is attributed to the waters surrounding Singapore being carbon sources. Hence, high water levels (high tide) contributed to a rise in \(CO_2\) levels and low water levels (low tide) contributed to a decrease in \(CO_2\) levels. Furthermore, relative humidity was found to be positively correlated with atmospheric \(CO_2\) levels. Overall, this study is a promising springboard for more comprehensive research on the indirect and direct influence of tidal waves on carbon emission at coastal areas. Coupled with other studieds, meaningful insights can be revealed for the conservation of coastal areas.
Our final model only had an \(R^2\) value of 0.329, suggsting that only 32.9% of the observed variances seen in \(CO_2\) is explained by the model and the other 67.1% are unexplained. In order to improve the $R^2$ values, known variable that affect \(CO_2\) such as water temperature, dissolved \(CO_2\) and salinity could have been measured to obtain a model with more explanatory power. A linear mixed effect model could also have been conducted to account for the pseudo-replication as the same route was taken for all measurements, just at different times.
Moreover, \(CO_2\) levels could have been measured at East Coast Park so that accurate water levels could have been used as a continuous explanatory response variable. This would allow for a greater understanding of the relationship between \(CO_2\) levels, tidal levels and relative humidity.